
Al-Farr Militia Breaks Into The Faculty Of Arts And Kidnaps A Student


According to informed sources, militia belonging to the terrorist Mohamed Maroun, nicknamed Al-Farr by Khalid Al-Mashri, the head of the so-called Council of State, broke into the campus at Al-Ajeelat this morning.

Sources confirmed that the militia broke into the building of the Faculty of Arts in Drunnia district of the city of Al-Ajeelat.

Militia elements fired randomly at students. Then, it kidnapped the student Abdul Malik Al-Sayyah from the centre of the college.

The town of Al-Ajeelat has been in a state of shakeable security for weeks as a result of the militias’ street war.

The attacks killed many civilians on the side, occupying dozens of innocent people, and destroying dozens of homes and cars.

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