
Almenefi Emphasizes Tunisia Place Among Libyans


Tunisian Government President Hisham Al-Mashishi said he hopes to develop relations with Libya to the strategic levels of partnership to serve both countries’ interests.
During a telephone call to President Mohamed’s Almenefi, President of the Presidential Council yesterday (Saturday), Al-Mashishi stressed that the shared belief of the two countries’ unity is an objective for the realization of their values, solidarity, cooperation, and complementarity over time.
Almenefi assured Libya’s desire to intensify relations, cooperation, and trade with Tunisia. Also, he stressed the place of the Tunisian people to the Libyans.
On March 10, President Al-Saeed of Tunisia confirmed to President Mohamed Almenefi, President of the Council that Libya’s security and stability are Tunisia’s security. Particularly, this will open up to the two countries greater prospects for cooperation, including an integrated and mutually reinforcing partnership.

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