An Egyptian committee visiting Libya next week to facilitate employment entry procedures
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The Egyptian Minister of Labour, Mohamed Saafan, has revealed his country’s willingness to send a specialized committee to Libya to make an electronic connection with the Libyan Ministry of Labour to facilitate the entry of Egyptian workers into Libya and to ensure their safety.
In media statements, Saifan said that Libya had experienced a state of stability in the recent period, which called on Egypt to give serious thought to the formal beginning of the movement of workers between the two countries, especially after the signing of several agreements and protocols between Cairo and Tripoli.
He added that his Ministry had agreed with its Libyan counterpart to organize the movement of workers between the two countries, and an electronic connection would be made between the two ministries as soon as possible, pointing to the visit of an Egyptian committee to Tripoli next week to complete the linking process.
He pointed out that these measures are intended to ensure that Egyptian workers are not exploited or exposed to fraud cases, and it had also been agreed to provide a full training wing for Egyptian workers in Libya.
Saifan noted that Libya would need most of the specialties, primarily construction and construction labour, medical supplies and the information technology sector.