
Belgium Demand Is Rejected



The Libyan Foreign Ministry of the Government of National Accord announced that it accomplished a diplomatic triumph after the refusal of the Security Council’s sanctions committee to the demand of Belgium to release Libyan assets in its banks.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs added in a statement that the sanctions committee’s rejection indicated a very clear message to any country that would seize Libyan frozen assets.

Also, these assets are going to be used in Libya’s development.


In this regard, the Libyan Investment Authority hailed the refusal of the sanctions committee to Belgium’s request. It said it would never permit any state to lay hands on Libyan people’s assets and that the decision came as per the laws of the sanctions system and efforts of the Libyan Investment Authority.


Libyan Investment Authority assured “We hail the efforts of the Permanent Mission of Libya to the UN that helped boost Libyan Investment Authority’s argument to protect Libyans’ frozen assets.”


Belgium requested recently from the Security Council’s sanctions committee to permit to release 49 million euros of the Libyan assets in its banks.

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