
Erdogan Mercenaries’ Open Commercial Projects In Syria


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights revealed the conditions of some of Erdogan’s mercenaries after their return to the northern regions of Syria. 

After a long period in west Libya, a batch of them returned and opened commercial projects in Syria.

The observatory said that many of the fighters who supported terrorist militias in Tripoli returned with large funds from Libya, which enabled many of them to open investment projects in northern Syria.

The Syrian Observatory said that many Syrian mercenaries opened markets after their return from the fighting in Libya and Azerbaijan to overcome the difficulties of life in Syria. They noted that some of them retired from military action and focused on private businesses.

It is considered to mention, SOHR reported the case of the young man (Kh. M.), who was displaced from the countryside of Damascus and lived in the city of Afrin in the north-western countryside of Aleppo. He was one of those fighters who were recruited by Turkey and made them mercenaries to fight in Libya. As a result of this illegal work and staying in Libya for 6 months, he opened a swimming pool project with one of his friends with an estimated contribution of about 10,000 dollars he earned from the fighting in Libya. 

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