AAC News – Follow-up
head of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, denied his country’s desire to clash and escalate with Ethiopia.
In a television interview with France 24, Al-Burhan clarified that Sudan does not resort to the war scenario with Ethiopia. However, he stressed that his country seeks to obtain its rights through negotiation and compromise with its neighbors.
, Al-Burhan emphasized the need to reach a binding legal agreement on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that preserves the right of future generations to water.
He added, “Our relationship with Ethiopia necessitates reaching a satisfactory and legal agreement, and we have no desire for a clash and escalation with neighboring Ethiopia. Whereas, our right to sovereignty over our lands will not be hindered by any obstacle.”
He continued: “For us, we seek to have all initiatives integrated and under the auspices of the African Union … We believe in the African solution and trust in the ability of the Union.’’